SARA (Systemized Agribusiness Resources of Azerbaijan)

This web tool, developed in close cooperation with Wageningen Economic Research and different partners, supports agricultural development in Azerbaijan by providing facts and evidence-based information combined with expert knowledge, showing current situations and potentials, and suggesting path-ways for development through investments.
Link to SARA web tool will follow soon
Azerbaijan Pilot Farming

As follow up on the SARA project a pilot farm is in development in close cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and several stakeholders. Main aim is to support the agricultural transition; from conventional to more profitable and sustainable agriculture. It is based on the pilot farming system in the Netherlands, which is developed by Wageningen University and Research.
Balkhoorma – export to Western European Market

“Balkhoorma” is a company, which has a leading role in the production of dry and semi-dry fruits in Azerbaijan.
The fruits are collected from private palm fields of residents in Balakan region for production in “Balkhoorma” entity and go through strict quality control. The products of “Balkhoorma” bring diversity to the food industry and catering facilities, and flavour to the tea table, as well as can be a unique gift for friends and loved ones.
Development of Curriculum on Warehouse Technician in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Hub developed a Competence based curriculum for the occupation “Warehouse technician” with a specific focus on cold storage commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. This is done in close cooperation with Eurasia Business Partners, PSD TVET Team, VET Agency, GIZ and other stakeholders as part of the Private Sector Development and Technical Vocational Education and Training programme which has been developed jointly with the public partners and private sector in the South Caucasus Countries.
The objective of the project was to provide an advisory service on developing VET standard and a frame competency-based curriculum as well as modules for the “Warehouse technician” with a specific focus on cold storage including teaching and learning materials.
Maastricht Aachen Airport – air freight from Azerbaijan

From 2016 until 2020 there was an air freight connection between Maastricht Aachen Airport and Heydar Aliyev International Airport. The flights were operated by SilkWay Airlines Cargo and SkyGates.