Registration open: Agriculture-Horticulture Inspiration Tour 2025

Get inspired during the Agriculture/Horticulture Inspiration Tour to the Netherlands! It will take place from 17 until 19 February 2025. This tailor made mission will give you an insight in the current situation of the agriculture/horticulture sector in the Netherlands. Take the opportunity … Read more

October 2024

Agriculture/Horticulture Technology Mission took place

On 11 and 12 June 2024 the Agriculture/Horticulture Technology Mission to the Netherlands took place. Several representatives from leading agriculture holdings in Azerbaijan … Read more

June 2024

Invitation EU Business Climate Survey 2024

In the frame of EU-funded initiative “EU-Azerbaijan Business Forum 2024-2026”, we invite European companies to participate in the EU Business Climate Survey 2024. The objective of … Read more

May 2024

Agenda missions and tours to the Netherlands in 2024/2025

Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Hub is going to organize several (tailor made) factfinding missions and inspiration tours for businesses, governmental and educational institutes to the Netherlands … Read more

January 2024


Azerbaijan will host COP29

The 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP29) will convene in Baku, Azerbaijan. The event will take place from 11 to 24 November 2024. Mukhtar Babayev, Minister of … Read more

December 2023

MiFood is looking for partners/investors

What is the best way to preventively influence your health? The answer is to eat the right mixture of fruit and vegetables since 70% of our … Read more

15 May 2023

Factfinding missions and inspiration tours to the Netherlands

In 2023 Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Hub is going to organize several (tailor made) factfinding missions and inspiration tours for businesses, governmental and educational institutes to the Netherlands … Read more

January 2023


Max Verstappen wins Grand Prix of Azerbaijan

The 5th Grand Prix Formule 1 of Azerbajian took place on Sunday 12th of June 2022. Max Verstappen wins for the first time at the beautiful Baku City Circuit … Read more

12 June 2022


EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2021

EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2021 is the sixth edition aimed at better understanding of achievements and remaining challenges in EU-Azerbaijan economic cooperation and further improvement of … Read more

March 2021


EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2020

EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2020 – fifth annual study introducing the business climate in Azerbaijan from the perspective of European companies, operating in the country. The report is … Read more

March 2020


EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2019

EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2019 – fourth annual study introducing the business climate in Azerbaijan from the perspective of European companies, operating in the country … Read more

December 2019

Seminar “Sustainable Agriculture for producing Healthy Food” held in Baku

On Tuesday 12th of November 2019 the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture in Azerbaijan the seminar “Sustainable Agriculture … Read more

12 November 2019

Agriculture delegation from the Netherlands joined EU-Azerbaijan event

From 11th until 14th of June 2019 an agriculture oriented business delegation consisting several people from government authorities, educational institutes and private … Read more

15 June 2019

Port of Baku begins cooperation with leading European logistics hub

The leading companies operating in the city of Venlo in the Dutch province of Limburg, which is one of the largest logistics and transport hubs in Europe, have started cooperation with “Baku International … Read more

23 April 2019

Port of Baku employees made study tour to Antwerp, Ghent and Venlo

From 7th until 13th of April 2019 a group of employees of Port of Baku made a study tour to learn from European port experts about Port Marketing, PR and HR. The visit was part of … Read more

13 April 2019


Construction companies joined study tour to Azerbaijan

From 16th until 19th of May 2018 a delegation of construction companies from the Province of Limburg visited Azerbaijan. They had an interesting visit and returned home with … Read more

20 May 2018

Agriculture delegation from the Netherlands visited Azerbaijan

From 13th until 17th of May 2018 a diverse business delegation consisting several people from government authorities, educational institutes and private sector visited Azerbaijan. The delegation visited … Read more

18 May 2018

EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2018

The EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2018 was launched during the recent EU-Azerbaijan Business Forum. The third business survey was … Read more

April 2018

Leadership of Port of Baku visited Greenport Venlo and Port of Amsterdam

On 23rd of March a delegation of Port of Baku led by Dr. Taleh Ziyadov, general director, visited Greenport Venlo. The visit was part of … Read more

24 March 2018

Delegation from the Netherlands visits new Port of Baku in Alat

On 23rd of February a delegation led by Mr René van der Linden and Ambassador Onno Kervers visited the new Port of Baku in Alat. The Port of Baku is situated at the crossroads of … Read more

23 February 2018

Masterplan of agribusiness opportunities in Azerbaijan presented at ADA University

A joint project of ADA University and Wageningen University, initiated by Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Hub, called “Masterplan of agribusiness opportunities in Azerbaijan – SARA” is … Read more

22 February 2018

Work visit technical teams SCIP and SOCAR to Brightlands Chemelot Campus

Technical teams of Sumchait Chemical Industrial Park and SOCAR Polymer visited Brightlands Chemelot Campus for a work visit from … Read more

25 January 2018


Greenport Venlo sharing experiences at TAIEX event for Port of Baku in Baku

On 20th and 21st of November Mr Joris Tenhagen, logistics expert of Greenport Venlo, participated in the TAIEX Workshop Green Port Development: ‘Gateway to the Blue Economy’ for Port of … Read more

22 November 2017

Seminar “Building a campus ecosystem and energy transition” took place at ADA University

On 23 June 2017, Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Hub and ADA University had organized a seminar “Building a campus ecosystem and energy transition”. The keynote speaker for the seminar was … Read more

27 June 2017

Energy business mission to Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan took place

A group of entrepreneurs from leading companies like, Bredenoord, Quercus and Brightlands Chemelot Campus joined a business mission to Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan in … Read more

26 June 2017

EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2017

The EU Business Climate Report 2017 was launched during the EU-Azerbaijan Business Forum on 8 June 2017.  The survey aims to assess the current conditions for doing business in … Read more

June 2017

Business mission visited Azerbaijan

A group of business men from the Netherlands visited Azerbaijan in May 2017. On 17th of May they attended the launch of the research project “SARA”. The name “SARA” stands for… Read more

19 May 2017

Seminar “Agriculture opportunities in Azerbaijan” was held in The Hague

At the final day of the visit of representatives of the leading holdings in Azerbaijan a seminar was held at the premises of Netherlands Enterprise Agency in The Hague. On 3rd of March around 30 … Read more

4 March 2017

Business mission with leading holdings from Azerbaijan visits the Netherlands

Since oil prices dropped on the world market, Azerbaijan is making efforts to diversify the economy and has prioritized the agricultural sector within the framework of the Strategic … Read more

3 March 2017


Holland Pavilion at BakuTel – Successful participation

From 29th of November until 2nd of December 2016 the Netherlands officially participated in BakuTel. The 22nd Azerbaijan International Exhibition and Conference on Telecommunications and … Read more

3 December 2016

High level visit of Minister of Agriculture to the Netherlands

On invitation of the Minister of Agriculture from the Netherlands Minister Asadov and a team of professionals from the Ministry of Agriculture visited the Netherlands from … Read more

30 October 2016

Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Hub signs MoU with AGEA

On 11th of October 2016 Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Hub and Association of Growers and Exporters of Azerbaijan (AGEA) signed a Memorandum … Read more

11 October 2016

President Aliyev receives special wooden shoes

To celebrate the establishment of the Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Hub some mini wooden shoes were made. During the visit of President Aliyev at … Read more

21 May 2016

Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Forum 2016

From 16th until 20th of May 2016 a trade delegation consisting 23 business and political (wo)men from the Netherlands visited Azerbaijan. Head of the delegation was … Read more

20 May 2016

EU Business Climate Report Azerbaijan 2016

The EU Business Climate Survey provides comprehensive information on the economic situation and investment conditions in the Azerbaijani market and … Read more

17 May 2016

Business delegation visited agriculture hotspots in Azerbaijan

An agriculture business delegation with representatives from the agricultural board of the Province of Limburg (LLTB), Rabobank, Fossa Eugenia, Greenport Venlo and PETC+ joined an agriculture … Read more

11 March 2016


Company visits Executive MBA students ADA University in Province of Limburg

A group of 32 Executive MBA students from ADA University who followed some modules at Maastricht School of Management enjoyed several company visits in … Read more

2 July 2015

Netherlands Azerbaijan Business Forum 2015

The second edition of Azerbaijan-Netherlands Business Forum took place on 23rd of April 2015. More than 200 participants from Azerbaijan and the Netherlands joined the event at … Read more

24 April 2015


Azerbaijan Netherlands Business Forum 2014

A delegation of 20 government officials and business men from the Netherlands visited Azerbaijan for an interesting program from 22nd until 26th of April 2014. The delegation … Read more

27 April 2014


Azerbaijan’s successful participation at Floriade Expo 2012

The Republic of Azerbaijan participated successfully in Floriade Expo 2012 which took place in (Greenport) Venlo. Between 5 April and 7 October 2012, Floriade attracted … Read more

8 October 2012